Hi There! Welcome to Court Street Portraits Photography Blog...

This is where I will share sneak peeks of my beautiful clients, announcements, special promotions, and news. I love to read all your comments and as a big thank you for taking your time to give me feedback I will randomly choose from those comments and give away gift certificates from Court Street Portraits and some of my favorite local businesses.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you visit again soon!

September 24, 2008

I have been tagged

A fun game that we crazy blogging photographers play is tag. I was tagged by Mississippi photographer Sara Beth,
I have been waiting patiently to get tagged and I am actually quite happy that it is my turn. I was beginning to feel like the kid chosen last at recess. Which I could claim as one of my answers because unfortunately I was the skinny kid, with no athletic ability who was usually left standing on the sidelines. Ok pity party over, now onto the rules of the game...

1. Link the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them & leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

6 things you may not know about me ….
1. I have lived in Nebraska my whole life, but I love traveling.
2. I spent most of my Senior year of high school in art classes. I only took 2 other classes (History and English) that whole year. Thanks Mrs. Steinman you were awesome!!
3. I am the baby of my family, 1 older brother.
4. I am severely allergic to Nuts and Strawberries, my son Sawyer also has food allergies but his are to Peanuts.
5. I am deathly afraid of heights.
6. We do not fold socks in our house. We have a sock basket and every morning the kids find their own pairs. I also have a rule that socks do not have to match, but they have to fit. My 8 year old loves this rule and I think he enjoys wearing clashing colors. There is not enough time in the day to sort socks for 7 people.

I will tag:
Shannon http://www.shannonvellozaphotography.com/blog
Eileen http://asseenbyeileen.com/blog/
Erica http://www.photographika.biz/photoblog/
Kristi http://kristieckrichphotography.com/blog/
Kim http://hightowerphotography.blogspot.com/

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