Hi There! Welcome to Court Street Portraits Photography Blog...

This is where I will share sneak peeks of my beautiful clients, announcements, special promotions, and news. I love to read all your comments and as a big thank you for taking your time to give me feedback I will randomly choose from those comments and give away gift certificates from Court Street Portraits and some of my favorite local businesses.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you visit again soon!

April 30, 2008

Cute quote

I saw this quote today and thought it was funny:
Photographers are violent people. First they frame you, then they shoot you, then they hang you on the wall.
LIFE has been crazy busy around here, with end of the school year projects and activities, ballgames and dance, doctor visits, hospital visits, more doctor visits I haven't even had a chance to get my camera out of it's bag. Poor neglected thing sits collecting dust, I'll try to drag it out today to spruce up this so called Photography blog.
My May calandar is really starting to get full so if you need to book a session please call soon!

April 23, 2008

We are back already.

We went in for pre-op yesterday and found out that A.J. has an infection so we have to reschedule her surgery. She was very unhappy as they had already started prepping here and now we have to go back at a later date to have all the painful pre-op procedures repeated.

April 21, 2008

When it rains it pours!

I posted about my husband and father's surgery's a couple weeks ago, Bryan's went well, but my Dad needed to be sent to Lincoln for 2 more surgery/procedures. He is home and on the mend now, although his recovery will be a little longer than expected. We are now getting ready for my oldest daughter's surgery at Omaha Children's Hospital. She will be in the hospital for probably a week and I will have limited Internet access so I will return all emails after I am home next week. I will have my cellphone with me so if you need to reach me please leave a voice mail and I will return your calls in the evenings or as time allows. And.. last night my second oldest daughter decided to jump out of a swing, landing on her foot. We spent yesterday evening in the E.R., looks like a bad sprain but we will have to keep an eye on it. She has a habit of breaking bones that don't show up on the first x-rays, so hopefully this one is only a sprain.
I am hoping this is the end of our "bad weather" days and everyone will recover nicely.

April 11, 2008

Adorable E-Session

I had a great time shooting this adorable couple for their engagement session, they were so open to letting me do my thing. I have a ton of images to go through still but I promised them a sneak peek, so here are my favorites so far.

April 10, 2008

Senior Announcements

I am running a last minute sale on all custom 4x5.5 announcements from now until next
Friday, April 18,2007.
Flat (2 sided) $27 (24 announcements)
Folded (4 sided) $45 (24 announcements)

This is a savings of over 40%, the only stipulation is all orders must be placed by April 18.

April 9, 2008

Out of the Office

I was busy with some family situations yesterday, my husband had dental surgery in Lincoln in the morning and my dad had surgery in Falls City in the afternoon, so I was away from the computer and phone most of the day. I will be returning emails and phone calls today, sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience.

April 6, 2008

Sneak Peeks!

Here's the sneak peeks from this weekend's Gone Fishin sessions.
I will have the remainder of the proofs ready in a couple of days.

April 1, 2008

1526 votes! Are you serious!!

I guess when I said ask your family and friends to vote you really didn't hold back!

Thanks for making Senior Idol 2008 such a great contest, it sure was fun to watch the progress of the voting. I will be contacting the winners within the next day or so!

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