Hi There! Welcome to Court Street Portraits Photography Blog...

This is where I will share sneak peeks of my beautiful clients, announcements, special promotions, and news. I love to read all your comments and as a big thank you for taking your time to give me feedback I will randomly choose from those comments and give away gift certificates from Court Street Portraits and some of my favorite local businesses.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you visit again soon!

September 30, 2008

Autumn Fairy Sneak Peeks

I had an excellent turnout for my Autumn Fairy Mini Sessions last week. I promised a few of the moms a sneak peek to hold them over until I get the rest of the images online. If you missed out on this Series of Mini Sessions don't worry because I still have the Angels Among Us, White Christmas, and the brand new, Saint Nick session, coming up in the next couple months. I am in need of a few models for the upcoming mini sessions. So if your child loves to be in front of the camera give me a call (402-239-8922) to earn a free session and prints.

Twice as cute

I first saw these adorable boys at a wedding that I was photographing and then the next day I ran into them while shopping. I couldn't resist asking their parents if they would be interested in a session. I was very excited when their mom called to book the session a few days later. The session was definitely a workout for their parents and myself but the first image makes it all worthwhile. Are they not the cutest little doll babies?!

September 25, 2008

Very Two

It would probably surprise most of you to hear that 2 year olds are in my favorite stage of childhood. They may present a challenge when photographing them, they will need more playtime, more time to warm up to me, maybe a little bit of bribery, but they are so expressive with there newly developing personality and language skills. Mr. T here was no exception, I really enjoyed getting to meet him and had a blast photographing him. I think his parents will be pleasantly surprised by all the images I was able to get.

September 24, 2008

I have been tagged

A fun game that we crazy blogging photographers play is tag. I was tagged by Mississippi photographer Sara Beth,
I have been waiting patiently to get tagged and I am actually quite happy that it is my turn. I was beginning to feel like the kid chosen last at recess. Which I could claim as one of my answers because unfortunately I was the skinny kid, with no athletic ability who was usually left standing on the sidelines. Ok pity party over, now onto the rules of the game...

1. Link the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them & leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

6 things you may not know about me ….
1. I have lived in Nebraska my whole life, but I love traveling.
2. I spent most of my Senior year of high school in art classes. I only took 2 other classes (History and English) that whole year. Thanks Mrs. Steinman you were awesome!!
3. I am the baby of my family, 1 older brother.
4. I am severely allergic to Nuts and Strawberries, my son Sawyer also has food allergies but his are to Peanuts.
5. I am deathly afraid of heights.
6. We do not fold socks in our house. We have a sock basket and every morning the kids find their own pairs. I also have a rule that socks do not have to match, but they have to fit. My 8 year old loves this rule and I think he enjoys wearing clashing colors. There is not enough time in the day to sort socks for 7 people.

I will tag:
Shannon http://www.shannonvellozaphotography.com/blog
Eileen http://asseenbyeileen.com/blog/
Erica http://www.photographika.biz/photoblog/
Kristi http://kristieckrichphotography.com/blog/
Kim http://hightowerphotography.blogspot.com/

Mr. Chubby

Such a big guy for only 4 months old and so darn cute. I had a hard time deciding which images to share he had a ton of different expressions and such an adorable smile!

Did I mention his big beautiful blue eyes?!?

September 23, 2008

Teddy & Brooke

I had the great pleasure of photographing this sweet couple on Saturday. This first image has become one of my new favorite wedding images !
I was very happy to be able to go outside before the ceremony and get some fun shots.
Adorable flower girl and ring bearer!

This series shows just how "into" it Teddy was removing the garter. I loved how the daughter of the chair/best man was really trying to figure out what was going on and how Teddy needed a little help in the last image.
Thank you for allowing me to capture your special day it was so much fun. I hope you didn't mind my wedding crasher daughter!

September 19, 2008

Please Stop By

I will be at the Indian Creek Mall tomorrow, Saturday 20, for the Home Based Business Show so stop by, enter your name into the drawing for some great prizes and gifts. I will be there until 12:00 and then my daughter will be there to greet you until 5:00, stop by to see some of the great new products, services, and specials that I will be now offering.

September 18, 2008

Thank You

It was my pleasure to squeeze a session in for this wonderful young man and his family while he was back on leave. Alex was one of my favorite seniors from last year and I have really enjoyed my sessions with him and his awesome family. His mom, dad, and sister are so much fun to be around and made the session so enjoyable, I now know where Alex gets his sense of humor. It was great to see how proud they are of him. His little sister even requested a picture of the two of them together, I think she secretly misses him, but doesn't want his head to get any bigger if he found out! All kidding aside, I want to thank you, Alex, for your dedication to our Country and for protecting our Freedom.
I talked to his Dad a few days ago and found out that he is now back in California for some more training and from there will possibly be heading out for active duty. Alex, stay safe and remember that you have everyone here at home supporting you.

September 16, 2008

We are home

Surgery went great, she is on the road to recovery. It is funny how quick kids bounce back.
I am slowly digging out of the paper and message pile that accumulated while I was gone. I think I have returned all of my voice mails and I am trying to get back to all my emails today. If you have emailed me in the past week and you don't hear back from me today or tomorrow please give me a call or resend your email. Thanks!

September 11, 2008

Welcome to my crazy world

We ran into a little bump in the road yesterday, Sawyer was admitted to the hospital at home and Bryan had to take my cellphone. So that means I have no means of returning email inquiries or access to my voicemail. I promise to return all correspondence as soon as possible.

September 10, 2008

Email Problems

I had planned to be able to use email while in Omaha with my daughter, but it seems the hospitals internet access blocks the use of Hotmail, which is my primary email. I do have a second email account that I will be using more this week. If you need to reach me please email me at courtney@cruminephotography.com.
I will try to return my emails as quickly as possible.
Thanks for your understanding.

September 8, 2008

Miss Millie

Meet the newest addition to the Crumrine household. The kids and I fell in love with this little girl the moment we saw her, but it has taken a little extra time to win Bryan over. She is a 10 week old wire haired terrier, and as smart and cuddly as they get. The kids are already trying to teach her to sit and to fetch (which she does most of the time). If you have any tips on housebreaking her please let me know!

September 5, 2008

Awesome Senior Session

I am busy this week fitting in sessions before I am away with my daughter during
her hospital stay. I was so happy that I could squeeze this gorgeous senior in. The
weather was perfect and the locations were great. Amanda is one of my first
seniors to take advantage of my Lincoln Senior Session, we went to Sunken Gardens,
First Plymouth Church, and then down to the Haymarket.

Does anyone have any kleenex?

My Baby started preschool today and yes I cried. I didn't cry when any of the other kids went off to school. But, Sawyer skipped across the sidewalk, up the stairs, and right in the front door, without more than a glance behind him. I had to actually follow him and tell him goodbye. All my baby birds have left the nest, I'm sure I will enjoy my 2 hours of peace eventually but not today. I am watching the clock like a hawk ready to go see how his first day went!

September 3, 2008

Some recent sessions

Mr. J, his daddy, and mommy came in to be my first official session in the new studio. He is a sweet little guy, not very smiley, but still pretty darn handsome. The first shot is for mom, a shot of her "men".

Mr. C came in today for a quick session, although probably not quick enough for him. He is definitely all boy and always on the go. During his session I learned a valuable lesson that little boys will be easily distracted by all the big trucks that drive by the studio on Court Street. I will be going out to buy a c.d. player and some kid friendly c.d.'s tomorrow to drown out the noise.

Autumn Fairies

24, 25, 26, & 28
2 5x7
8 wallets
30 minute mini sessions
Come have a magic filled session, all props and fairy costumes are provided!

Call 402-239-8922 to book your mini session as times are filling up fast!
Sessions will be held at the new studio location: 811 Court Street


I had the pleasure of photographing another beautiful wedding this weekend. These two were about as laid back and easy going as you could get, which allowed for a very nice paced day. It didn't take much convincing on my part to get them to cuddle up and be a little romantic. If I remember right Matt said it was a little steamy under that veil and I don't think it was the weather!!
Jess looked so glamorous and Stylin'!!
One of the cutest ring bearers I have ever laid eyes on. Look at those brown eyes and that dimple, so cute!
Jess's 83 year old Grandpa really stole the show at the reception. Man could this guy dance! Move over Fred Astaire!
Thank you for allowing me to capture your special day!
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